
A large number of refugees have returned and more are returning back to Magwi County especially in Iwire, Pajok, Pageri and Nimule and Mugali Payams.  Yet these returnees were displaced from their homes with a great deal of experience of extreme violence including rape, loss of lives, torture, and destruction to property.  Generally, they have gone through a lot.  Upon return, there are no mechanism to equip them with the skills and means to deal with their traumatic past.  Back at home and seeing the debris of what used to be their homes, their feeling of loss and grief is revived in Magwi  County especially Magwi Payam.  HUMAES with support from SWEDEN through UNDP supported youth peace group with saving and Internal Loaning Activities, conference tents and chairs to mobilize money in a common pool, so that the group can borrow from it as loan to run individual business. Abee  Prischa is one of beneficiaries of UNDP-PaCC project 2020. She lived in Magwi Central Boma.

Before the intervention

Before UNDP-PaCC project 2020, Abee Prischa was practicing agriculture planting cassava. She did this for quite a long time. In 2019, she cultivated three hectares of cassava fields, unfortunately, these cassava fields were destroyed by heavy floods which has affected most parts of Magwi County. This flood has deprived her of cassava fields. Due to this discouragement, her initiatives of growing cassava has died out and stayed for two years without planting cassava.

After the intervention

After the intervention, Abee Prischa conducted research in Magwi local Market and found out that, there was limited supply of dry fish in the Market. In 2021, she took a loan amounting to 700,000 South Sudanese Pounds from the group, went to Juba and bought dry fish where it was cheaper and came and sold in Magwi Local Market where the price is a bit higher from 2021 up to 2024. With this business of selling this dry fish, Abee Prischa has made a profit of 2, 000,000 South Sudanese pounds.  After realizing these profits, she constructed a shop in Magwi local Market where she is currently selling dry fish. During the interview, Abee Prischa said, “I want to express my happiness to HUMAES, SWEDEN and UNDP for helping me achieve my dream, pay School fees of my children, take them for treatment and buy them food. I plan to continue with this business of selling dry fish”.