Caption. Distribution of Dignity kits in Cece Primary School Nimule (HUMAES) August 19, 2024.

Cece Primary School is located in Porio Village, Nimule Town, Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan. The school has just re-opened after being closed down for a term due to financial crisis. Today the girls have received 19 dignity kits from UNICEF through Ministry of Education Science and Technology, Eastern Equatoria State- South Sudan.
With the current economic crisis facing in the world, Access to dignity kits for School girls is becoming a big problems. The smile on the face of Cece Primary School girls is a sign of thank you to UNICEF and the Ministry of Education Science and Technology, Eastern Equatoria State- South Sudan for the gift of Dignity kits.
We welcome donors to continue to support Girls in Cece Primary School.