From January 1st, to March 30th 2024, HUMAES implemented Peae and Community Cohesion Project with support from JAPAN and UNDP in Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan.
The main activities implemented bu HUMAES include; peace dialogues in Pageri and Iwire, trauma awareness in Pajok, Mugali and Nimule, female sports for peace in Pajok and Pageri , cultural support in Lobone and Pageri, small arms controls in Magwi and Nimule and economic empowerment in Nimule.
On August 31st, 2024, JAPAN and UNDP visited Magwi County to monitor the impacts of peace dialogues, trauma awareness, female sports, cultural support, small arms control and economic empowerment.
During JAPAN and UNDP visited Magwi County, HUMAES showcased impacts of JAPAN and UNDP supported activities through special song dedicated to JAPAN and UNDP for their great support, human stories on project impact in the lives of groups and individuals and photos of activities.

HUMAES is very pleased to witness beneficiaries from various project locations speak positively on the impacts of JAPAN and UNDP supported Peace and Community Cohesion (PaCC) projects