Our staffs execute our services to our clients with utmost commitment and dedication and ensure a high standard of excellence in every endeavour and achieved measurable success in the last 10 years in the areas of Food Security and Livelihood, Health, WASH, Gender Based Violence prevention, Education, Peace, Governance and Civic Education, Women Peace and Security, Organizational Capacity Development, Advocacy and Constituencies
Business Goals
The goal of HUMAES is to enhance community skills and knowledge for women and girls, youth and children with various forms of vulnerabilities and/or disabilities in order to engage in productive activities to improve people’s lives in South Sudan and Uganda.
We intent to utilize resources entrusted to us in pursuit of our mission to advocate for the fundamental human rights and promote the wellbeing of youth, women, vulnerable and other marginalized groups through deepening relationships and linkages with communities, decision makers and strengthen our networks where we serve through partnerships.
- To empower communities to have access and rights to information education, food security civil governance and civic education
- To enhance the capacity of the communities to prevent and mitigate the impacts of diseases and disasters
- To strengthen the capacity of household and communities for increased household and for self reliance
- To empower communities to promote favourable environment for peaceful co-existence and quality service delivery
- To promote access to dignified shelter, safe water and improved sanitation and hygiene and environmental management services
Our Services
1. Project Monitoring & Evaluation and Policy Analysis
We undertake formal and informal research including socio-economic research, feasibility studies, environmental impact assessment, policy analysis, and site development studies. We also undertake training need assessment, land use survey, Smart Nutrition Survey, capacity and vulnerability studies, project monitoring and evaluation, and service mapping studies.


HUMAES key activities on HIV/AIDS prevention includes; HIV testing and counseling, condom use promotion and distribution, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and Tuberculosis (TB) and Reproductive Health screening, family planning, health education, linkages and referral provision of services.
3. Covid-19 Prevention
HUMAES also undertakes Covid-19 pandemic response in the communities. The response strategy is use of health education and awareness rising on prevention of community and person to person transmission of the disease in the neighborhoods, behavior change intervention, massive distribution of hand washing facilities and soap, promotion of personal hygiene practices of the communities, and institutions. The response also includes screening, contact tracing and monitoring of Covid-19 interventions. We believe that people safety from Covid-19 lies in their clean hands.

4. Gender Based Violence Prevention

GBV interventions shall focused on conducting awareness rising on Gender Base Violence (GBV) in communities on negative cultural norms/practices including child abuse, forced early marriage, child marriages, teenage pregnancies and domestic violence. Case management and economic support provision for income generating activities for women groups facing economic and gender based violence
5. Peace, Governance and Civic Education
We promote peace building initiatives through sports, drama, use of media houses/talk shows and peace/civic education in our programming. Peace is a key factor for development and provision of humanitarian and social services in our contexts. HUMAES also offers conflict mediation, management and trainings in addition to community reconciliations and promotion of socio-cultural initiatives and governance

6. Food Security and Livelihoods
South Sudan is currently facing severe food shortages and this may persist and/or even get worst without appropriate food security interventions and programming. Based on this context, food security and livelihoods interventions and programming is a key priority area in investment to improve and save lives. Hence, we intent to support potential farmers to form farming groups and cooperatives associations, training farmers in appropriate modern skills to boost food and agricultural productivity in the country. We will provide farm implements/inputs to farming groups and communities. Our intervention strategy also encompasses cash transfers to farming groups, provision of storage and market opportunities to farming communities, agricultural extension services, youth entrepreneurship skills trainings and development etc.

7. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Water is life” and many communities in South Sudan do not have access to clean and safe drinking water as they only depend on surface water from unprotected water sources. Hence, there is increased prevalence of water-borne diseases in our communities. HUMAES will lobby for investments in the WASH sector to provide access to safe drinking water by all people in the communities and improve hygiene and sanitation. Therefore, we have planned to implement drilling of new boreholes and rehabilitation of old/broken down boreholes/hand pumps in our constituencies. Our interventions will also cover formation and training of water source committees, establishment and training of home hygiene and sanitation promoters including water source sanitation services to protect water sources from contamination. Carry out water and hygiene awareness creation, distribution of soaps and hand washing facilities, distribution of dignity kits for women and girls/sanitary pads and provision of tools/pit latrine slabs etc. to promote use of toilets.

8. Environmental conservation and sustainable resources

HUMAES plans to intervene in the conservation of our environment/ surrounding through investments in afforestation/agroforestry and basic agronomy practices. We shall conduct establishment and management of nursery beds and encourage the communities in tree planting for cleaner energy and also use energy saving stoves which are fuel efficient and protect mass deforestation. Therefore, we shall plan and raise seedlings, conduct trainings in agronomy for community environment officers, distribution of seedlings to communities for growing, manufacturing and distribution of energy saving stoves and waste management for cleaner environment.
9. Education, Education in Emergency and girl child protection
HUMAES) will pursue interventions and invest in the education sector targeting and providing education services for primary and secondary education and vocational/entrepreneurial skills trainings and development for out of school youth.
HUMAES shall also engage in education in emergency, construction and rehabilitation of schools and learning institutions, provision of scholarships to vulnerable children, orphans, including children with impairments (visual, speech, hearing etc.)and children living with physical disabilities. We will also focus on other education related interventions including supply of scholastic materials to schools to boost teaching and learning. Provision/establishment of Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS), PTAs and SMCs trainings, teachers professional and career development and the Girl child protection services.

10. Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFIs)

HUMAES shall develop projects in the sector of shelter and non-food items supply to the returnees and host communities. The NFIs shall include; tents, blankets, water containers, protection supplies, clothes, shoes, kitchen utensils etc.