It is now exactly nine years since World AIDS Day was last celebrated in Pageri. Immediately after the onset of both the 2013 and 2016 wars between South Sudan People Liberation In-Government and In-Opposition forces, most of the community of Pageri were driven into exile in neighbouring Uganda. However, when the Revitalized Agreement on Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan was signed between the warring parties in September 2018, they decided to return home.

The returning communities lack HIV/AIDS prevention services such as HIV counseling and testing and access to antiretroviral treatment. IntraHealth International was the only non-governmental organization providing HIV services in Pageri before their contract expired in October 2020. Like Nimule, Pageri is an area with high levels of HIV/AIDS and is in desperate need of services. We welcome health partners to come and partner with us to provide HIV and COVID-19 services in Pageri.
HUMAES in collaboration with Cece Support Group of People Living with HIV/AIDS organized World Aids day 2020 in Pageri with the theme: “United for a South Sudan free from HIV and COVID- 19” to raise awareness on HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 prevention.
HUMAES is primarily in the area of Pageri for peace-building activities sponsored by UNDP and KOICA. However, as HIV prevention falls within HUMAES’s overall remit, we could not let World AIDS Day go unobserved.
The activities which took place included marching, traditional dancing, testimonies from members of the Cece Support Group for People Living with HIV/AIDS and speeches from local dignitaries as well as the Pageri County Health Department. The event closed with a football match between Opari and Pageri (Opari won 3:0).